Thursday, October 4, 2012

Such a looooong day

It's only a little past four in the afternoon and I'm already exhausted.  So very tired that once I get home, I will probably just go to bed and sleep until it's time to get up for work tomorrow.  You see, I've had five classes since 9:30am up until this afternoon, breaking only for a 10 min lunch because I was still grading papers during my lunch period.  Sigh.  All the stress and exhaustion comes from yesterday's suspension of classes.  As I couldn't afford to miss those meetings (our quarterly exam is scheduled for next week), I scheduled makeup classes for those two sections whose classes were affected.  And it just so happens that the available time that they had was today - so that's a total of five classes for me today.  Whew!  Well, at the end of the day, I finished everything that I needed to do.

And now for a long overdue post.  I got some happy mail about two weeks ago.  It wasn't really a surprise as I've been long awaiting its arrival.  I was actually selected as a favorite at the Filipino Scrapbookers Challenge Blog for the month of August.  Now they do not normally give prizes to the favorites, just to the randomly drawn monthly winner.  But in this case, one of the lovely ladies at the blog volunteered to give out a prize for the August favorite.  I was so very lucky :-)

So anyway, the mail was due to arrive on Sept. 19 and when I got home from work, there it was!  Was so excited to see what was inside, and as much as I tried to refrain from opening the package right away, I couldn't resist peeking.  I took a quick picture of the bag of goodies, and proceeded to inspect each and every item.  They're all so pretty!!!  Thank you Ms. Ces de Guzman!  Check out her blog to here see the really fun and creative layouts/projects she makes.

As soon as I saw all the goodies I couldn't wait to get started on a project.  But alas, the end of the second quarter beckons with piles and piles of papers to grade!  So I truly hope that this weekend I will get a chance to use these awesome embellishments on a layout or two (hopefully more).  Seeing this picture again has cheered me up some actually :-)

1 comment:

ica_cheng said...

Congrats Ate!!! :) More projects to come! :)