Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Twelve Crafty Days of Christmas - Day 5: Christmas Loot

Being a part of a large family, it usually takes us a very long time to open our gifts.  To date, there are twenty of us, and we all stand by and watch each family member open all their gifts, starting with the youngest and moving along to the oldest :).  Today though, we broke away from our yearly tradition as one of my sisters and her family spent the past few days (including today) out of town.  But we did let the kids who are here open their gifts today, since they've been waiting to open their Christmas presents for quite some time now.

Tonight, I also got to open mine and was so happy to get some scrappy supplies.  I've been putting off buying these for a while now, as I've been trying to decrease my spending (not just on scrappy stuff but on just about everything).  Also, I think I have a lot of stuff in my stash that I want to make a serious dent in it, but I just haven't had the time.  I was hoping to have time this Christmas break, but preps just took up most of my time so far.  But now with just a few gifts to round up, I hope I can do more crafts.  Especially with the new stuff I got, thanks to my brother, Paul, and his wife, Ica.

And this is how the gift was packaged - so cute!  I can definitely use container for storage, too.  And yes, I painted my nails festive especially for the holidays.  :)

1 comment:

ica_cheng said...

Glad you liked them Ate :) Merry Christmas! ^_^