Thursday, December 20, 2012

Twelve Crafty Days of Christmas - Day 3: Washi Tape Decorated Candle Tins

One thing I love about the Christmas season is that it gets dark early and then you see all these lights everywhere.  As we're usually driving home just about when it starts getting dark, there's something magical and festive with the electric lights on display, but one of my real favorites is candle light, which gives the home a warm and cozy feel.  And Michael Buble's Christmas Special playing on TV right now definitely adds to the Christmas-y mood.

So I was excited when I saw these candles already contained in tins that can easily be decorated.  These actually had labels on them on the top and sides that easily peel right off.  I used washi tape to decorate the sides of the tin and I plan to put gift labels that will fit snugly right on the top of the lid.  The washi tapes I used had a width of 1/4" (6 mm), so I put several strips on the tin, making sure that the design on the tape was aligned all throughout.  Another quick and easy idea for gift giving.

Materials:  Washi tape (All About Scrapbooking).

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