Saturday, September 14, 2013

Goofy Girl

I made another digital layout because I have no access to the craft room as of the moment.  I'll probably be able to get back to my regular crafty habits (as regular as it can be) in a week or so, when the craft room will no longer be occupied (it's being used as a guest room of sorts).  So for now, this will have to do.

I used a kit that I downloaded from called The Promise Collection.  I do love the subdued colors and the pretty elements, which are all great for this page that I made about my youngest niece.  She's a very happy and active toddler, and she moves around so much that I have a hard time taking a proper picture of her sitting still and smiling.

This layout is my first (and hopefully not the only one) entry to challenge #29 at the Filipino Scrapbookers Challenge Blog.  It's based on a sketch by Melissa Bonifacio.

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