Sunday, July 15, 2012

Page Remake: 5th of July

If I remember correctly, this was the first time I watched fireworks to celebrate Independence Day in the US - 07-05-00 / Urbana, IL.

Journaling:  "Why the 5th (and not the 4th)?  We actually turned up on the 4th itself to see the fireworks but it was drizzling, so it was moved to the next evening.  It was fun!  With Maricon, Donna & also Mike (I think).  Though Maricon looks a bit cranky here already.  She might've been a little hungry.  So we headed off to Courier Cafe right after for a post-fireworks treat. :-)"

Supplies:  Cardstock, brad, metal & fabric flowers (All About Scrapbooking), metallic gel pen (Dong-A), others - lace, patterned paper & chipboard letters.

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